
頻出句動詞150 / 英英選択問題 / 英定義⇨句動詞 - 未解答


    【1】 Pay the complete amount of something (49%) 【2】 Pay back the effort spent in doing something by becoming profitable or effective (48.5%)

    【1】 Express or represent the most important/representative facts, ideas, or characteristics of somebody/something, especially in a brief manner (97%)

    【1】 Examine a place or one’s surroundings so as to view what it might contain or look for a particular thing (100%)

    【1】 (+ for) Do somebody’s work temporarily because they cannot or will not do it themselves (31%) 【2】 (+ on) Give somebody extra or missing information they want or need (29.5%) 【3】 Put material or substance into something in order to make it full or complete (19%)

    【1】 Stop a piece of equipment working temporarily or a supply flowing by turning a tap, pressing a button, or moving a switch (69.5%) 【2】 Cause to feel intense dislike (20.5%)

    【1】 Leave a room, building, car, or one’s home to go to a social event.(56.5%) 【2】 (Go out and do something) Used as an intensifier, to highlight the active nature of what is being done (19.5%)

    【1】 Plan, devise or think about something carefully or in detail (33%) 【2】 Exercise in order to improve health or strength (23%) 【3】 (+ well/badly) Happen or develop in a particular way (15%) 【4】 Prove to be successful (12.5%)

    【1】 Have a look at; examine something/somebody (esp. to get more information or make a judgement) (97%)

    【1】 Stop operating or functioning (87%)

    【1】 Describe or explain something clearly or in detail, esp. officially and in writing (46%) 【2】 Spread something out on a flat surface, so it can be seen or used (35%)




単語から意味を推測しにくい、頻出の句動詞(動詞 + 前置詞)を学べます。

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