
頻出句動詞150 / 英英選択問題 / 英定義⇨句動詞


【1】 Make a particular detail, quality or feeling more noticeable than it usually is (36%) 【2】 Make somebody or something available for the public or an audience to see, know or buy (33%) 【3】 Take something/somebody out of a container or enclosed space (27%)

【1】 Move backwards or make somebody/something move backwards (66.5%) 【2】 Withdraw or retreat from an activity or location, esp. military (31%)

【1】 Wait for a short time (41.5%) 【2】 Refuse to let go of something (35.5%)

【1】 Increase or cause something to increase, accumulate, or strengthen, especially progressively (76%)

【1】 Refuse to accept or consider (esp. by people of authority) (29%) 【2】 Put something in a rubbish bin (25.5%) 【3】 Make somebody leave a place, activity or organization, esp. forcibly and unexpectedly (21%)

【1】 Spend time relaxing or enjoying oneself (84%)

【1】 Put a piece of clothing or jewellery onto one’s body (52%) 【2】 Present or stage (play, show, competition) (14.5%)

【1】 (+ to) Begin to pay serious attention to something (26%) 【2】 Lower one’s body as by kneeling, sitting or lying (22.5%) 【3】 Come down from something; descend (car, horse, tree) (17.5%)

【1】 Come to a place or area (spot, room, town, country), esp. towards somebody or to join somebody (95%)

【1】 Settle into a new house or place (62.5%) 【2】 Go towards somebody/something, esp. to attack or take control of them (34%)


単語から意味を推測しにくい、頻出の句動詞(動詞 + 前置詞)を学べます。

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