
頻出句動詞150 / 英英選択問題 / 英定義⇨句動詞


【1】 (+ for) Do somebody’s work temporarily because they cannot or will not do it themselves (31%) 【2】 (+ on) Give somebody extra or missing information they want or need (29.5%) 【3】 Put material or substance into something in order to make it full or complete (19%)

【1】 Give to each of a large number of people (40%) 【2】 Make known openly or publicly (33.5%) 【3】 Collapse/fail; stop functioning properly (heart, knees) (11.5%)

【1】 Cease resistance to (liking/temptation/habit, or to somebody’s demands/control) (100%)

【1】 Progress or proceed with an activity (44%) 【2】 Act in cooperation or express agreement (28%) 【3】 Go to a place or event, esp. without much planning (15.5%)

【1】 Separate a part (or become separate) from a larger piece (40%) 【2】 Stop speaking, especially suddenly (28%) 【3】 Put an end to something (relationship, discussion, talks, negotiations) (24%)

【1】 Delay until a later time or date (68%) 【2】 Cause to feel intense dislike (27.5%)

【1】 Take place or happen/occur, esp. unexpectedly (81.5%)

【1】 Stop operating or functioning (87%)

【1】 Put one thing inside another; include or insert (50%) 【2】 Invest or devote so as to achieve something (time, effort, work) (26.5%)

【1】 Begin a course of action, usually with a specific purpose/objective in mind (97%)


単語から意味を推測しにくい、頻出の句動詞(動詞 + 前置詞)を学べます。

単語はわかるのに英文がわからない人のための頻出英熟語 650選【PHRASE List & PHaVE List】


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