
頻出句動詞150 / 英英選択問題 / 英定義⇨句動詞


【1】 Remove a part of something by cutting it (27%) 【2】 Interrupt somebody as they are speaking (24.5%) 【3】 End the provision of something, or be deprived of a provision (supply, money) (23.5%)

【1】 Turn around so as to face the opposite direction (51.5%) 【2】 Go back (or make somebody/something go back) in the direction somebody/something has come from (25.5%)

【1】 Stop or cause a vehicle to stop (47%) 【2】 Move something/somebody from a lower position to a higher one; lift from the ground (35.5%)

【1】 Start doing or working on something, esp. with a particular goal in mind (42.5%) 【2】 Start a journey (26.5%) 【3】 Explain or present something clearly, esp. officially and in writing (16%)

【1】 Get rid of dirt, mess, pollution, or chemical substances in a place or area (74%) 【2】 Make something free from dangerous, unacceptable or controversial activities or contents(22%)

【1】 Stop (or make something stop) working or operating (machine, computer, business, premise, strategy) (94%)

【1】 Surrender possession or control to somebody/something (esp. in authority) (59.5%) 【2】 Change position so that the other side is facing towards the outside or the top, or another direction (34%)

【1】 Move, proceed or progress at a slower pace (vehicle, economy) (88.5%)

【1】 End up in a particular situation, condition or place, esp. an unpleasant one (87%)

【1】 Yield; be (or make something be) found, discovered, or noticed (48%) 【2】 Increase the volume or level of something (21.5%) 【3】 Arrive or make an appearance somewhere (14%)


単語から意味を推測しにくい、頻出の句動詞(動詞 + 前置詞)を学べます。

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