

jam jam

To be [] is to have no ability to take care of or protect yourself from harm. A newborn baby is [], and needs parents to care for her.

If you're [], you're dependent on other people to assist or care for you. Breaking both your legs will leave you [], and even being in an unfamiliar city can make you feel [] as you wander around looking for your hotel late at night. You can also use [] to mean irresistible or uncontrollable, especially when someone bursts out laughing: They broke into [] laughter during his speech.



To be helpless とは、自分自身を害から守る能力を持たないことを意味します。新生児は無力であり、両親に世話をしてもらう必要があります。


If something is [], you have to have it, like the plate of gooey chocolate chip cookies sitting in front of a group of dieters who one by one help themselves to a handful.

If you can’t resist something, it’s []. Something is [] if it is so enticing, attractive, magnetic, tempting, or alluring that you must have it. You have no control — that's what all [] things have in common. From potato chips to bargain shopping or the urge to send text messages, when something is [], it's hard to fight.



この文章は、「何かが irresistible(抵抗できない)とは、ダイエット中の人々の前に置かれたグループの前にある、粘り気のあるチョコレートチップクッキーの皿のように、それを手に入れずにはいられない」と説明しています。

もし何かに抵抗できないということは、それが不抵抗性があるということです。何かが不抵抗性があるということは、それがとても魅力的で、引力があり、誘惑的で、魅力的であるために、手に入れなければならないということです。あなたはそれに対して制御を持っていません - それが不抵抗性を持つものの共通点です。ポテトチップスからバーゲンショッピング、テキストメッセージを送りたい衝動まで、何かが不抵抗性があると、それに抵抗するのは難しいです。

[] things can't be managed or influenced. An [] three-year-old can be a handful, while a politician with an [] desire for power can be dangerous.

If you fly off the handle at the smallest irritation, snapping angrily at the people around you, you have an [] temper. And when you and your best friend burst into giggles in the middle of chemistry class, it's [] laughter that's going to get you in trouble. When something is controllable, it can be restricted or restrained. Add the not prefix un-, and you've got something [].





A [] is what you shout at a sporting event when you [] your team on, showing your enthusiasm and support. Often there's a lot of [] or good spirits at these games, unless of course your favorite team loses.

The word [] comes from the Old French chiere, meaning face. When you [] someone on, you show approval, whether on your face through a smile, or by shouting encouragement. [] is also a quality of being sunny or happy. You can [] someone up by being silly or entertaining. Or, you could raise a glass to them and toast, []s!





[] is an adjective that describes something you do because you want to, without being influenced or forced into it. Usually a [] act is something you consciously choose to do, like going into work even on a snow day.

[] comes from the Latin word voluntarius, which means of one's free will. [] can also describe a service given without any payment expected in return. For example, if your work for the community theater is [], that means that you don't get paid for your time. If you're offering your [] help in this way, you might also be called a volunteer, someone who offers free help to assist others.





Something or someone [] is honest, good, and proper. [] behavior includes things like contributing to charity, volunteering at an animal shelter, and helping your friends study vocabulary.

Anything or anyone [] deserves respect for being honorable or moral. If you return a wallet that you find on the street, that’s [] behavior. People would probably view you as a [] person. However, if you removed all the money from the wallet before returning it, that’s not []. [] can also be used to describe to an adequate or large amount of something. If you return the wallet untouched, you might get a [] sum as a reward.



「尊敬すべき」とは、誠実であり、善であり、適切なことを指します。尊敬すべき行動には、慈善活動への貢献、動物保護施設でのボランティア活動、友人の語彙の勉強を手伝うなどが含まれます。 「尊敬すべき」とは、高潔で道徳的であるために尊敬を受けるべきだという意味です。もし道で拾った財布を返すなら、それは尊敬すべき行動です。人々はおそらくあなたを尊敬すべき人と見なすでしょう。しかし、財布を返す前に中のお金をすべて取り出した場合、それは尊敬すべき行動ではありません。 「Respectable」は、十分またはかなりの量を表すのにも使われます。財布を触らずに返すなら、かなりの報酬を得るかもしれません。

If it's hard to determine its shape and otherwise looks like a big blob of something, it's probably safe to call it a [].

Jabba the Hut looks like a disgusting []. So does the growing mound on your noggin where you walked into the glass door. And if you've been []ed together with a bad bunch, you might have been grouped with people indiscriminately. But all []s aren't bad. Little old ladies put []s of sugar into their tea. And that choked up feeling you get during a sappy movie? That's just a [] in your throat.




「Jabba the Hut(ジャバ・ザ・ハット)」は不快な塊のように見えます。そして、ガラスのドアにぶつかってできた頭の上の盛り上がりも同じくらい不快な塊のように見えます。そして、悪いグループにまとめられた場合、あなたは無差別に人々と一緒にまとめられたかもしれません。しかし、すべての塊が悪いわけではありません。年配の女性は紅茶に砂糖の塊を入れます。そして、感傷的な映画を見ているときに感じる喉のつまり感?それはただの「lump in your throat(のどの塊)」です。

A [] is a piece or a chunk or a lump, something without a definite shape. You might eat a [] of cheese or play with a [] of clay. If you call someone a [], you think he’s hot.

For a casual dinner you might just grab a [] of bread off the loaf and dip it in beef stew, which is full of []s of meat and potatoes. A completely different type of [] is a handsome man: When did your cousin turn into such a []? Hubba hubba! This second meaning dates from around 1945, from African American slang.





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